Our mission is to help educate the public on lake preservation

Some of the Earth's greatest landscapes are threatened by increased road construction, oil and gas exploration and mining. Lake Pocotopaug is a prime example of a wonderful natural resource that is threatened daily by the perils stemming from a lack of awareness in how to keep our waters healthy.

The Lake Pocotopaug Project was started in 2018 by Wesley Jenks and Austin Cornelio. Both grew up on the lake and are lake front property owners to this day. We decided to start this conservation project for two main reasons.

First, it became obvious that the affects of over development in and around the watershed area are having a very negative effect on the lake.

Second, there are no other resources existing today that come close to educating the public and giving them the tools to help maintain a healthy lake.

Within this website, you will find proof that overdevelopment is a key driver in the decline of Lake Pocotopaug. We will highlight problematic development spots that are being worked on right now, as you read this. In addition, you will learn about the extensive nine point watershed plan that is key in helping the lake recover.


Find out about the current development projects that are harming the lake and what you can do about preventing more from cropping up.

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