There are so many ways you can help.

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Your donation allows us to take on projects and do things to help the quality of the lake. Make a donation to day, it helps a lot.

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Every day ways to help

If you do live in the watershed area here are some everyday ways to help.

Soak up rain Water

Rain that falls on your roof, driveway and other hard surfaces flows into storm drains and then into the lake picking up contaminates like a magnet.

Ways to reduce and manage storm water runoff

  1. Reduce impermeable surfaces

  2. Rainwater is a resource. Cut down your water use by capturing and using the rainwater in your garden into a rain barrel

  3. Install a rain garden and plant bare areas in your yard with natural vegetation

  4. Create a buffer garden of natural vegetation across the lakeshore. Buffer gardens absorb rain water runoff and absorb nutrients and fertilizers like a sponge.

  5. If you fertilize do it sparingly and with organic fertilizers. When you fertilize your lawn it runs off and turns the lake green.

  6. Maintain a natural lake shore. Clearing trees

  7. NEVER dump anything in storm drains

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